
Not able to attend the event? You can still donate to support the Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto Charitable Foundation.

Here are two ways you can donate:

#1 Donate and pay by Credit Card or Bank Withdrawal (ACH)
Hit the Donate button.  You can choose one of the suggested donation amounts or enter any amount in the box.  Enter your credit card information and you’re done!


#2 Donate by Check

Write a check for any amount that you like, made out to Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto Charitable Foundation.  Write Angel Award in the memo line and mail to:

Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto
PO Box 149
Palo Alto, CA 94302

Thank you for your support!
The Foundation (tax ID: 71-0871534) is a fully qualified under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Depending upon your situation, gifts to the Foundation may be eligible as a tax deduction.

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